The international
atomic energy agency has verified that Iran has implemented its nuclear
related commitments under the JCPOA. As Iran has full filed its
commitments, today multilateral and national economic and financial
sanctions related to Iran's nuclear program are lifted in accordance
with the JCPOA. European Union and United States have issued relevant
guidance on the details of sanctions which have been lifted, vast
facilitating international engagement in Iran's Economic Development.
All sides remain firmly-convinced that this historic deal is both strong
and fair, and that it meets the claimant of all. Its proper
implementation will be a key contribution to improve regional and
international peace, stability, and security. This achievement clearly
demonstrates that with political will, perseverance, and through
multilateral diplomacy, we can solve the most difficult issues and find
practical solutions that are effectively implemented. This is an
encouraging and strong message that international community must keep in
mind our efforts to make the world a safer place. I think…
لغات مهم:
implement: اجرایی کردن
sanctions: تحریم ها
lifted: لغو شده
contribution: کمک و یاری
security: امنیت
achievement: دستاورد
issue: مسئله
practical solution: راه حل کاربردی
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